Tuesday, June 3, 2014

A Brand New Wonderful Life

It has been SO long since I posted....I look back at my last few posts here and it is amazing to see how my life has changed.  I would never have imagined from 2011 where I would be now today. I moved to San Francisco from Singapore and got to live a whole different life. I had seriously contemplated moving back to Singapore for various reasons but in retrospect am so happy I stuck it out and stayed out here in the beautiful bay as I met my wonderful husband and have a job I enjoy and friends I am so grateful for.
2013 was an absolutely insane year, where in rough order:
- Found out I was pregnant! (this was the loveliest surprise possible, after thinking that window was closed to me, and had made peace with it. Though my initial reaction was one of shock and freaking out :-)
- My boyfriend proposed to me and totally surprised me while we were out hiking with friends
- We got married in Singapore - pulled the wedding together in a few weeks with the help of my awesome girlfriends GSF in Singapore.
- We visited Seoul before our wedding, made a trip to Malaysia to see my relatives (first time for my husband Jordan visiting!), and had a lovely honeymoon in Bali.
- We bought an apartment in San Francisco in the Noe/Bernal area in what was a crazy market and became even crazier - so grateful we bought when we did.
- Then, we renovated (!) the apartment - overhauled the kitchen and bathroom.
- Made a trip out to Boston to host another post-wedding/pre-baby party for Jordan's family and friends.
- Moved into our cosy new home!
- And best of all....after 9 somewhat nervous yet joyous months, we welcomed our beautiful baby boy Kainoa Wei Xing Keao on October 16, 2013 at 1.05am, at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco :-)

The super cute Kainoa is pretty much the center of our lives now. He was born 6'11" and 19 inches long. We had a very bumpy and stressful first week which I won't go into, but since then he has been a surprisingly easy, mellow and happy baby. I could write reams and reams about him....but this is a short post to try and at least put something recent on to my blog :-) I feel very blessed.

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